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NYSCOPBA Golf Tournament to benefit DSPG of WNY

The 6th Annual Wende New York State Correction Officers & Police Benevolent Association Charity Golf Tournament will be held Wednesday Sept 16th, 2015 at Chestnut Hill Country Club 1330 Broadway Darien Center, N.Y. 14040. All proceeds benefit the Down Syndrome Parents Group of WNY.  $100 per player includes: Unlimited Range, 18 holes, Cart, Lunch at Turn, Open Bar before Dinner, Prizes, 50/50, Raffles, Dinner.

If you enjoy golfing and would like to support the DSPG contact Mike Gaca at (716) 861-6228. Volunteers are also needed during the event. 

For more information check out their Facebook page: 6th Annual Wende NYSCOPBA Golf Tournament

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